The American Farm Bureau Federation is asking members to oppose a proposal to require publicly traded companies to provide climate-related information from their entire supply chain in their filings and annual reports, including potentially invasive and burdensome information about farms. Public comments on the rule drafted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are being accepted through June 17.
“We have deep concerns that the SEC is proposing a rule that will subject farmers to regulations that are intended for Wall Street,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “Unlike large corporations currently regulated by the SEC, farmers don’t have teams of compliance officers and attorneys dedicated to handling SEC compliance issues.
“Increased costs, legal liabilities and privacy concerns could create obstacles to ensuring food security at a time when the world is increasingly looking to America’s farmers for help. We urge the SEC to avoid enacting regulations that will keep farmers and ranchers from focusing on growing the food, fuel and fiber this country needs.”
A detailed Market Intel analysis of the proposed rule is available on the AFBF website.
Members wishing to submit comments can visit the AFBF action alert.