Get Where You Need To Be Safely
Insuring your vehicle is about more than just repairing things after an accident. Your vehicle is important but more so are the people and things you may be transporting. That's why Farm Bureau Insurance agents provide a personalized experience to find a policy that fits your needs.
Farm Bureau Insurance keeps your vehicle protected with a wide variety of coverages and services. Commuting to work or traveling with the family—no matter where you're heading, Farm Bureau has options for your coverage needs.

Farm Bureau’s Personal Auto Insurance policy ensures you have all the basic coverages you need but understanding your auto insurance coverages and options is important.
Collision coverage helps pay to repair or replace your car if it's damaged in an accident with another vehicle or object, such as a fence or a tree.
Comprehensive coverage protects you from events outside of collision. These could include animals such as deer, fire, theft, glass breakage, vandalism, falling objects, and others.
Emergency Roadside Service (ERS)
You’ve always got us by your side. ERS provides towing, flat tire change, battery jump-starts, lock out service, and more.
Additional Options
You may still need to get around if your car is being repaired—optional coverages help reimburse for rental expense and may even cover costs for customized furnishings.

There are a lot of reasons you may be hitting the roads. No matter where you are headed if you want to know you and your passengers are protected—Farm Bureau can help.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
When you or a family member who resides in your household is hurt in a car accident and needs medical attention, PIP covers medical expenses, work loss benefits, attendant care costs, and more.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists
Coverage that pays if you or a family member who resides in your household are seriously injured by a driver that carries either no insurance or inadequate liability coverage.

At Farm Bureau Insurance, protecting you from the risks of everyday life is our mission. No one can plan for an accident—but helping you be prepared in the event of one is how we can help.
Bodily Injury
Bodily injury provides protection when you cause an accident in which someone is killed or seriously injured and are found to be legally liable.
Property Protection
If you cause damage to another’s property with your vehicle, property protection insurance has you covered. Not applicable for accidents occurring outside of the state of Michigan.
Third Party Liability
If an accident you’re involved in results in a lawsuit, or financial damages and you’re legally responsible, this coverage can help pay for those damages.
Limited Property Damage (Mini-Tort)
In Michigan, you can be held legally liable for up to $1,000 for damage to other motor vehicles; this coverage provides protection in these circumstances.
FB Drives Michigan!
Money-saving discounts are available for FREE with your Farm Bureau Personal Auto policy. The FB Drives Michigan! program rewards safe drivers by applying discounts to their annual premium. It also provides personal tips to help you make safer choices on the road.