Protect Your Crop No Matter The Storm
Farming can be filled with uncertainties. From weather to input costs, there is much of your business that is beyond your control. But there is one thing you can prepare for—the unexpected. Farm Bureau Insurance offers crop insurance coverage that can provide you with peace of mind.
Life happens. From Mother Nature to market volatility, Farm Bureau can cover your farm from the many common challenges you may face. Crop insurance covers the loss of yield or revenue due to low production and/or changes in the market price. The types of coverage available vary by the crops you produce.

No matter what you grow or the size of your operation, Farm Bureau Insurance offers custom coverage from folks who understand farming.
Hail Protection
Choose which fields to insure and the amount of coverage per acre at an affordable cost, any time during the growing season.
Revenue & Yield
Protect against yield losses due to natural causes and revenue losses caused by a change in the harvest price from the projected price.
Like crop farms, nurseries are also impacted when weather patterns, market prices, and other seasonal changes that require protection.
Catastrophic Plans
Based on your yield history, the CAT policy pays 55% of the price of the commodity established by RMA on crop losses in excess of 50%. The premium on CAT coverage is $655 per crop per county by the producer and is subsidized by the Federal Government.
PRF Coverage
Area-based insurance plan that protects against yield losses caused by low precipitation relative to historic average on forage produced for grazing or harvesting hay.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) is designed to meet the needs of highly diverse farming operations and protects them against the loss of farm revenue earned or expected to earn.
Specialty or organic commodities (both crop and livestock) or those marketing to local, regional, farm-identity preserved, specialty, or direct markets.

Livestock can provide revenue in multiple ways, and your coverage should provide the same level of diverse coverage.
Dairy Revenue Protection
This coverage is designed specifically for dairy producers to insure against revenue declines from milk sales. Producers work with a crop insurance specialist to cover up to 95% of expected quarterly revenue.
Livestock Risk Protection
Protect your business against declining fed cattle, feeder cattle, swine and lamb prices if the price drops below your selected coverage level.
Livestock Gross Margin
Provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value minus costs) on swine and milk produced by dairy cows.
Crop Insurance Resources
USDA Risk Management Agency: The USDA Risk Management Agency makes Crop Facts Sheets available on their website. These sheets include planting dates and underwriting guidelines.
Important Crop Insurance Dates
Michigan Farm News: Weekly crop and commodity informational updates