Keeping You Covered With Extra Protection
Serious accidents and large insurance claims can threaten your financial future. That’s why Farm Bureau Insurance offers Personal Umbrella Liability insurance to protect you when these types of significant events occur. This policy is designed to protect you in case your liability exceeds the coverage limits on your current policies.
Farm Bureau Insurance keeps you protected with a variety of coverages and services. Our agents will help you get the right amount of additional coverage that will protect you and your family along with your existing insurance policies.

There is value in extra protection, that is why Farm Bureau’s Personal Umbrella policy provides higher liability coverages when you need it.
While lighting a bonfire in your backyard, your tree catches fire then spreads quickly to your home and neighbor’s garage. Personal Umbrella can help cover costly repairs when Homeowner's liability is reached.
Auto Insurance
You cause an accident, and the other driver is seriously injured. Personal Umbrella will protect you when your auto insurance limit has exhausted and won’t be able to cover their remaining medical bills.
Lake Estate®
Suppose a guest sues you after injuring themself while swimming at your lake house. A Personal Umbrella insurance policy could also help protect your personal assets.

Accidents and high-cost claims can happen to anyone. That’s why it’s important to know your family members are protected.
Who's Covered
Your policy can cover family members, like an inexperienced teen driver, if they are personally found liable for a claim.

Standard insurance policies are designed to cover claims where the policyholder may owe up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Personal Umbrella policies cover claims that exceed that, whereas without the additional coverage, you could find yourself liable
Your Assets
If your total assets are greater than your underlying liability limits, a Personal Umbrella policy can help protect the things you’ve worked for.
Your Lifestyle
Personal Umbrella Liability insurance should be considered if you have a high-profile career, live in an exclusive area, own numerous properties, or own other valuables/property that could be considered additional risks.