Farm Bureau Insurance Policy Discounts
Farm Bureau Insurance offers many ways to save. To discover which discounts you may be eligible for, contact your agent. Your trusted advisor will examine your current coverage and provide you with the best savings opportunities.
- Advance Signing Discount
- Affinity Group Discount
- Anti-Theft Device Discount
- FB Advantage Discount
- FB Drives Michigan! Discount
- Multi-Auto Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- No Dependents Discount
- Preferred Youthful Driver Discount
- Select Customer Discount
- SmartPay Discount
- Waiver of Work Loss Benefits Discount
For more information on Auto policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
BOP (Business Owners Policy)
- Affinity Discount
- IRPM (Individual Risk Premium Modification) Discount
- Loss-Free Continuous Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- Paid-In-Full Discount
- IRPM (Individual Risk Premium Modification) Discount
- Loss-Free Continuous Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- Premium Size Discount
CPP (Commercial Package Policy)
- Experience Rate Plan
- IRPM (Individual Risk Premium Modification) Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- Schedule Rating Plan
Worker's Comp
- Experience/Merit Rating Plan
- Multi-Policy Discount
- Premium Modification – Premium Discount
- Premium Modification – Safe Workplace Program
- Schedule Rating Plan
BAP (Business Auto Policy)
- Experience Modification Plan
- Multi-Policy Discount
- Schedule Rating Plan
CUP (Commercial Umbrella Policy)
- Multi-policy Discount
For more information on Business policy discounts, contact your agent.
- Environmental Safety Discount
- Mature Insured Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- New Home Discount
- Non-Smoker Discount
- Protective Devices Discount
For more information on Country Estate policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
- Environmental Safety Discount
- Mature Insured Discount
- Michigan Manure Applicator Certification Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- New Home Discount
- Non-Smoker Discount
- Protective Devices Discount
- Safety Management Systems Discount
For more information on Farmowners policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
- Advance Signing Discount
- FB Advantage Discount
- Mature Insured Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- New Home Discount
- New Roof Discount
- Protective Devices Discount
- SmartPay Discount
For more information on Homeowners policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
- CERP Discount
- FB Advantage Discount
- Mature Insured Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- New Home Discount
- New Roof Discount
- Non-Smoker Discount
- Protective Devices Discount
- SmartPay Discount
For more information on Lake Estate policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
- Advance Signing Discount
- Affinity Group Discount
- CERP Rating Discount
- FB Advantage Discount
- Mature Insured Discount
- Multi-Policy Discount
- New Home Discount
- New Roof Discount
- Protective Devices Discount
- SmartPay Discount
For more information on Mobile Homeowners policy discounts, contact your agent. Your advisor will help determine which discounts you are eligible for based on your current coverage.
Additional Ways to Save
We offer a variety of payment methods for Farm Bureau Insurance policies that could help you save even more.
Safe Driving and Membership Savings
You could save money for your safe driving and enjoy discounts as a MFB member.

FB Drives Michigan!
Farm Bureau policyholders can enjoy more discounts by downloading our FREE usage-based insurance program right to their mobile phones.

MFB Membership
MFB members have access to exclusive savings, benefits and services that also support Michigan farmers and communities.