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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Priority Issues

Issues That Matter

Michigan Farm Bureau’s positions and actions are based on organizational policies adopted by members annually at the local, state and national levels. Every member has an opportunity to participate and voice concerns about issues important to their farm and Michigan’s food and agriculture industry.

Following are several briefs to help you become familiar with our current areas of focus. 

Person group

Rural Communities

Our farms and families are woven into the fabric of Michigan’s rural communities and economy. Much like our crops, livestock, and businesses, our rural communities need care and nurturing too, ensuring they can meet residents’ needs, support area businesses, and sustain a functional local government. 


Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development

Farm Bureau policy encourages the state’s agriculture department to be proactive, focus on core programs and eliminate redundancies where possible. We support investment in resources through the budget process for industry research, workforce development and diagnostics, all while ensuring essential services are maintained. Especially in a time of economic recovery, inspections and licensing services are paramount to agriculture-based businesses and to the safety of Michigan residents.


Farm Bill

In partnership with the American Farm Bureau Federation, Michigan Farm Bureau continues to advocate for Congress to complete a new farm bill ahead of the November 2024 election, and in a bipartisan fashion to give farmers the long-term certainty needed to make business decisions.


Agricultural Workforce

We support legislative reform that provides short- and long-term access to a legal and stable agricultural workforce. Reform must address a solution for the current workforce and an updated guestworker program that will provide a future flow of agricultural workers for seasonal and year-round positions.

Launching in 2022, the American Farm Trail app gives farmers a free way to showcase their agritourism venues and connect with consumers.

Right to Farm

Farm Bureau supports Michigan’s Right to Farm Act, which provides nuisance protection that allows all sectors of commercial agriculture to utilize existing and new technologies through adoption of generally accepted management practices. Our member-developed policy states the law should not be weakened or jeopardized by including practices that are not integral or directly related to farming.

An estimate from June put the total losses for agriculture from shipping delays at $1.5 billion.


Farm Bureau continuously works to defend and expand trade opportunities for Michigan agriculture. We advocate for fair and open trade and support initiatives that: open new markets or expand existing ones, assist producers impacted by retaliatory tariffs, eliminate non-tariff trade barriers, protect farmers from unfair trade practices and more.


Regulatory Reform

We support rulemaking process reforms to ensure that federal regulations are supported by science and created transparently, while identifying opportunities that improve farmers’ ability to remain productive and competitive.

climate change


Our policy supports voluntary, incentive-based tools and technical assistance to help maximize carbon sequestration and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This includes private sector greenhouse gas markets, incentives for climate-smart practices, incentives for energy savings and on-farm energy production, and other tools that promote economic prosperity for our members.