Nine nonprofit organizations and school districts across the state were recently awarded $24,000 in grants to fight food insecurity in their communities. Feeding the Future Grants are administered by the Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund (ACF), which will award $144,000 in grants this year.
Eligible recipients are nominated by their local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served and overall goal of the program. The next round of Feeding the Future Grants is open and grants will be awarded up to $4,000 per organization.
Amvet Post 115 — Port Huron
Grant funds will be used to host three food pop-ups in the community, with each pop-up serving approximately 600 to 1,000 hungry neighbors. Amvet Post 115 was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Mason Jahn.
Fremont High School — Fremont
Grant funds will be used to purchase and raise broiler chickens through the school’s FFA program. Once the chicks mature, they will be processed and donated to local families in need through True North Community Services. Fremont High School has a goal of providing 750 pounds of poultry to support local families. Fremont High School was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent David Landheer.
Hand2Hand — Jenison
Grant funds will be used to purchase food that will get sent home in student backpacks during the 2023-24 school year. Hand2Hand was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Nick Acosta.
Have Mercy — Greenville
Grant funds will be used to bring in a food truck six times a year and provide fresh produce and other food items to neighbors. Have Mercy was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Mandy Lum.
Helping Hands of Cass County — Cassopolis
Grant funds will be used to provide weekend food bags for students and their families who attend Sam Adams Elementary School. Helping Hands of Cass County was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Adam Hover and Amy Gross.
North Branch Area Schools — North Branch
Grant funds will be used to purchase classroom snacks for students during the school day. North Branch Area Schools was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Wayne Haney.
Roosevelt Elementary School — Zeeland
Grant funds will be used to purchase classroom snacks for students during the school day. Roosevelt Elementary School was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Nolan Kamer and Tom Degraaf.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church — Blissfield
Grant funds will benefit neighbors who visit the Blissfield Food Pantry in the church. With the pantry not set up to disburse perishable food products, grant funds will provide grocery store vouchers to neighbors, so they can obtain fresh food for their diet. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Laura Terry-Borden and Karen Dayss.
Tecumseh Fresh Food Initiative — Tecumseh
The Fresh Food Initiative is a joint effort of the Food Bank of South Central Michigan, Tecumseh United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church of Tecumseh, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, and Kiwanis Club of Tecumseh and God’s Break Basket. Grant funds will be used to purchase food for the initiative’s bimonthly food distributions in the community. The Tecumseh Fresh Food Initiative was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Katherine Whelan.
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming. Through grant programs like Feeding the Future, Farm Bureau agents, clients and partners provide food and educational programs to Michigan residents struggling with hunger and aid the more than 3,000 hunger-relief agencies throughout the state.
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