Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan’s Agent Charitable Fund (ACF) and the Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies (MFBFoC) continue the push to end food insecurity across the state, awarding over $17,000 in Feeding the Future and Agents for Change grants in June.
ACF Hunger Relief Grants
11 Michigan nonprofit organizations and school districts were recently awarded hunger-relief grants to fight food insecurity in their communities. Feeding the Future Grants are administered by the ACF, which will award $100,000 in grants this year.
Eligible recipients are nominated by their local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served and overall goal of the program. The next round of Feeding the Future Grants is open and applications will be accepted until Friday, Aug. 2.
Allegan County Food Pantry — Allegan
Grant funds will be used to purchase freezable and non-perishable canned food items for the pantry. Allegan County Food Pantry was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Tim Heffner.
Chelsea Farmers Market, Chelsea Hospital — Chelsea
Grant funds will be used to purchase vouchers for neighbors in need, which can be redeemed at a network of local farmers markets for fresh produce. Chelsea Farmers Market was nominated by agent Kaine Diver.
Eastern Michigan University Foundation, Swoop’s Food Pantry — Ypsilanti
Grant funds will help purchase non-perishable items, including fresh produce, dairy and protein, for EMU students in need. Swoop’s Food Pantry was nominated by agent Tammy Brown.
Emanuel United Church of Christ — Manchester
Grant funds will purchase food for a weekly summer lunch program for children in need. Emanuel United Church of Christ was nominated by agent Chris Kolokithas.
Helping Hands Food Pantry — Charlotte
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for Helping Hands’ client-choice pantry. Helping Hands Food Pantry was nominated by agent Gabe Beam.
Lenawee Mission, Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry — Adrian
Grant funds will be used to purchase fresh produce during the summer for Lenawee Mission’s client choice pantry. Lenawee Mission was nominated by agent Katherine Whelan.
Mason Food Bank — Mason
Grant funds will help purchase nutritional snacks for students and families in need during the summer months. Mason Food Bank was nominated by agent Mark Voss.
Novi Rotary Foundation — Novi
Grant funds will help purchase food for the Rotary Foundation’s Feed the Need program and address food insecurity for families over summer break. The Novi Rotary Foundation was nominated by agent Lynn Sturla.
Oscoda Area Schools — Oscoda
Grant funds will support the Oscoda Backpack Program and help provide nine meals per weekend for students in need. Oscoda Area Schools was nominated by agent Chris Hayes.
St. Christopher Parish — Marysville
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for the parish’s emergency food pantry. St. Christopher Parish was nominated by agent Kim Tacey.
St. Paul Methodist Church of Elkton — Elkton
Grant funds will help purchase food for pop-up pantries in the community. St. Paul Methodist Church of Elkton was nominated by agent Mason Jahn.
Michigan Farm Bureau and and ACF School Grants
Two schools in northern Michigan were recently awarded grants to fight childhood food insecurity through agricultural education. Agents for Change grants are administered by the ACF and MFBFoC.
Eligible recipients are nominated by their local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the school and overall goal of the program. The next round of Agents for Change Grants is open and applications will be accepted until Friday, Aug. 2.
Inland Lakes — Indian River
Grant funds will be used to bring the FARM Science Lab to Inland Lakes School District and provide students with STEM-based agricultural lessons and a farm field trip experience. Inland Lakes was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Ryan Dombroski.
Wolverine Elementary — Wolverine
Grant funds will be used to bring the FARM Science Van to Wolverine Elementary and provide students with STEM-based agricultural lessons and a farm field trip experience. Wolverine Elementary was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Marc Brach.
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming.
Operating at the intersection of market and moral missions, the MFBFoC has a powerful vision: a Michigan where no child goes to bed hungry. MFBFoC is reinvesting their proceeds back into their local communities and identifying effective programs, policies and practices designed to directly reduce childhood hunger.
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