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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Back-to-school: Five ways to fight childhood hunger

Eleanor’s Pantry in Paw Paw benefitted from a Double-Up Donation and matching funds from the Van Buren County Farm Bureau and the Agent Charitable Fund.
Date Posted: August 15, 2024

One in six Michigan children face hunger, and you can make a difference by getting involved in your community. 

Farm Bureau members work year-round to help fight food insecurity across the state. 

Just in time for back-to-school season, here are five opportunities that can help your county Farm Bureau engage charitably with their communities:

Agents for Change Grant

Connect with your local Farm Bureau Insurance agent to nominate your school for an Agents for Change grant. A partnership program between the Agent Charitable Fund and the MFB Family of Companies, Agents for Change grants are focused in two areas: hunger relief and Michigan Farm Bureau agriculture education. 

Your county Farm Bureau can receive up to $2,000 to help fight childhood hunger through school-based meal/snack programs or ag education. Grant applications are reviewed every other month and must be completed by a Farm Bureau Insurance agent. 

Reach out to your local agent to nominate your school for the FARM Science Lab or support the school's existing or potential hunger relief activities.

Feeding the Future Grant

Connect with your local Farm Bureau Insurance agent to nominate a non-profit for an Agent Charitable Fund Feeding the Future grant. By working with your agent to choose a non-profit that serves school districts you’re able to make a direct impact on the school and its students. 

An example would be a non-profit that partners with local schools to supply backpacks with shelf-stable food items for students over the weekend. 

Grant applications are reviewed every other month and must be initiated by a Farm Bureau Insurance agent. Reach out to your local agent to nominate a non-profit in your area. 

Agent Charitable Fund Double-Up Donation Match

Double-Up is a great option if your county Farm Bureau is already planning to donate to a hunger relief program, or has a program they’d like to support in the future. The Agent Charitable Fund can match that contribution up to $2,500 per county, pending committee approval and availability of funds. (Note: ACF donation match funds are extremely limited through the end of 2024.)

This allows your county to make an even bigger difference in ending childhood hunger and food insecurity. 

Your county administrative manager (CAM) or county leadership can apply directly for a Double-Up Donation match on the ACF website. The full contribution, including the match, is eligible for Harvest for All reporting.  

Food Drive Donation

Working with your local school to facilitate a food drive and donate all the proceeds to the school district and the students is a fantastic way to help kick off the year. 

Food drives are a way to get food for students who may only get fed regularly during the school year. A perfect place to hold a food drive is a county annual meeting. 

It’s important to connect with the school and create a list of usable items for students. 

If your county holds a food drive, make sure to report your totals for Harvest for All. The district that wins the Harvest for All contest is awarded $1,000 to donate to various hunger relief organizations of their choice. 

Commodity Donation

The final way you can get involved is a commodity donation to your local school. Connect with your school district and learn about their hunger relief needs. 

What types of foods are their students and families asking for? Are the schools trying to incorporate more fresh foods like fruits and vegetables into their offerings? Are there medical dietary needs that schools are unable to meet due to accessibility or cost (ex – allergies, gluten intolerance, diabetes)? 

Take this information back to your county and agents and see if they would support a commodity donation to help meet those needs. Some of your fellow MFB members may also be cultivating some of the requested items (especially produce) and could be great potential partners in this project. 

Commodities are eligible for Harvest for All reporting. 

Questions? Contact MFB Agent Charitable Fund Manager Persis Sopariwala.

Kendal Valentine interned this summer in MFB’s Field Operations Division.

Persis Sopariwala

Persis Sopariwala

Agent Charitable Fund Manager
517-323-6628 [email protected]