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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Block Party podcast: The growing deer-management challenge for Michigan Farmers

Date Posted: March 3, 2025

Listen in on the new Block Party podcast for a conversation with MFB staffers Andrew Vermeesch and Pierce Bennet about March’s discussion topic on deer management, and how it remains a growing challenge for Michigan farmers.

Relevant Policies discussed in this episode include MFB Policy #35 TB, Mycobacterium Bovis Tuberculosis, and #90, Wildlife Management.

Click here to listen in on this episode and earlier Block Party episodes. And if it sparks a policy idea, share that with your county Farm Bureau Policy Development chair. You can also submit your policy idea online

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You’ll go through the brief sign-up process, receive a few updates over the next five days, then get a monthly text message highlighting a great seasonal discount or the newest program update. Once we have a large enough group, we can start sharing the podcast each month through this tool.

If you have feedback or suggestions for future Block Party topics, share them with Ashley Frazee at [email protected].

Rebecca Gulliver headshot

Rebecca Gulliver

Member Engagement & Field Training Manager
[email protected]

DISCUSS: The growing challenge of deer management

Thanks to new hunts and extended seasons, Michigan’s 2024-25 deer harvest increased 5% from the previous year. Even so, more action is needed.