The State Young Farmer Committee is excited to host a Young Farmer Chair Summit on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. This event will take place just prior to the start of the Young Farmer Leader’s Conference (YFLC), Feb. 24-26, in Lansing, Michigan.
At the YF Chair Summit you will mingle and network with peers, discover the tools and resources you need to be successful in your leadership role, and gain exclusive access to speakers and leaders not available through the YFLC. Overnight rooms on Thursday evening are available to limit travel on Friday morning. Please reply here by Friday, November 11.
REGARDLESS if you can attend the event or not. We have some resources we want to provide to Young Farmer Chairs and Co-chairs and we need some information from you to ensure we have the right items to meet your needs.
Tentative Agenda
Thursday, Feb. 23
7:30 p.m. – Optional Hospitality Reception with Leadership for those arriving Thursday evening.
Friday, Feb. 24
8:15 a.m. – Networking Breakfast
9–11:30 a.m. – Speakers, small group discussion and YF program tools and resources
11:30 a.m. – Lunch and stories of member impact through Farm Bureau
1:00 p.m. – YFLC Tour loading
We hope you can make plans to join us for the YF Chair Summit and stay to learn alongside peers at Young Farmer Leaders Conference. While we encourage you to make this a two-for-one leadership development opportunity, registration for the YF Chair Summit and Young Farmer Leaders Conference is separate and attendance at one does not necessitate attendance at the other. There is no cost to counties for participation in the YF Chair Summit, thanks to the generous funds provided through the Michigan Farm Bureau Young Farmer Trust Fund.