Fresh off the heels of its Aug. 5 Policy Development meeting in Harrison, the Clare County Farm Bureau continues its strong late-summer pace with a pair of upcoming events.
Harvest for Golf
Clare and neighboring Gladwin County Farm Bureau pair up for a Harvest for All golf scramble Aug. 11 at Snow Snake Ski & Golf, with all proceeds going to support local food banks and pantries.
Registration ($75 per person; $300 per foursome) includes green fees, cart, range balls, a hot dog lunch at the turn and dinner afterwards. Prizes for longest drive, closest to the pin, etc. Registration begins at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9 a.m.
Snow Snake Ski & Golf is located at 3407 E. Mannsiding Road, Harrison.
For more information, contact Sarah Hollon (989-745-2944) or Ashley Cooper (989-488-3827).
Candidate Meet & Greet
Clare County Farm Bureau members can meet public office-seekers Aug. 16 at the Doherty Hotel in downtown Clare. Beginning at 8 a.m., members can mingle with local candidates, discuss upcoming ballot initiatives and pick up yard signs and other election materials.
Primary election winners are invited from these races: U.S. House District 2, U.S. Senate, and Michigan State House Districts 99 and 100.
Admission is free to all Clare County Farm Bureau members; RSVP by Aug. 11 by contacting Vicki Donovan, 989-386-4424.
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