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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Connecting Communities grant apps due Oct. 1

In 2024, funds normally earmarked for MFB’s Voice of Agriculture will instead be shared with county Farm Bureaus in support of their local Promotion & Education efforts.
Date Posted: September 12, 2023

Meet the people where they are. 

Bring people to the farm. 

Partner with community organizations. 

There are so many opportunities for building relationships with consumers, it can be daunting!

MFB’s Promotion & Education program has resources to help you plan events to engage with adult consumers. The 2024 Connecting Communities initiative is an opportunity to highlight these resources and help Farm Bureau members make the most of them. Connecting Communities grants are an incentive for county Farm Bureaus to engage in this sort of programming. 

Consumer-themed resources help boost the trust many consumers already have in farmers — and their hunger for Michigan-raised products. Resources also provide support for varying levels of engagement, from a simple expo-style booth to an elaborate on-farm event — all to help your county Farm Bureau reach your P&E goals! 

Build on existing programs — Why reinvent the wheel? Expand your existing promotion events to reach new audiences. Consider ideas for hosting a community night in conjunction with your Project RED, or partner with educational events like the FARM Science Lab to include community leaders. 

Partner with direct-marketing farms — Meet people where they are already engaged with agriculture and support your members who sell directly to consumers. 

Host an on-farm event — Looking to plan a new event? Consider hosting local groups on a farm — or invite families to visit several farms and check them off a local-farm “passport.” 

Promote agriculture careers — Connect with the next generation of young agriculturalists by shedding light on their potential career paths. Partner with groups like Michigan Works and local career-technical education (CTE) programs to show young people farm-friendly careers options.

Paid media outreach — Often times local media will partner with local farmers on radio shows, events coverage and to share seasonal updates from the farm. Paid outreach, however, gives you more control over content and design creation. 


Apply today for a Connecting Communities grant of up to $1,000 to help your outreach efforts! Funds may only be used toward activities targeting adult consumer audiences, including enhancements to current P&E activities. Programs for regular Farm Bureau members will not be funded. Eligible applicants include individual county Farm Bureaus; pairs or other small groups of collaborating counties; or whole districts combining efforts on larger, regional plans under one proposal.

Questions? Contact MFB P&E Program Specialist Amelia Miller, 517-679-5688.

Voice of Ag becomes ‘Connecting Communities’ for 2024

Next year — 2024 — funds normally earmarked for MFB’s Voice of Agriculture will instead be shared with county Farm Bureaus in support of their local…