Attention county Farm Bureau Young Farmer chairs: This is for you!
Every month we’re featuring five need-to-know dates, events and programming tips. Here’s your top five for December 2023:
1: Young Farmer Award applications open Dec. 14.
The Young Farmer Award Program recognizes up-and-coming Farm Bureau leaders across Michigan in four categories. Applications for the 2024 awards are due March 6 and will be available online Dec. 14.
Unsure of which category to apply for? Find your fit here.
What can you do? Apply! And encourage your fellow Young Farmers to apply as well. Work together at your next board meeting to identify prospective candidates.
2: Harvest for All deadline is Dec. 31.
This yearlong campaign created by the American Farm Bureau Federation encourages members nationwide to work together to fight hunger. Each year the state Young Farmer committee oversees a contest to recognize county Farm Bureaus at the district level for their Harvest for All efforts. The district contributing the most pounds of food, volunteer hours or cash will be recognized at the state level and earn $1,000 for hunger relief organizations of their choice.
What can you do? Report — and encourage others to report — any contributions to your County Administrative Manager. All totals are due Dec. 31.
3: Young Farmer Leaders Conference registration runs Jan. 3-12.
Join hundreds of Young Farmer leaders in Port Huron, Feb. 23-25, to learn from industry experts and grow your network. Visit the conference website for all the details. County chairs are invited to join early (11 a.m., before the tours) for a luncheon to connect with peers and expand their leadership skill set.
What can you do? Let your County Administrative Manager know you want to attend!
4: Don't miss your opportunity to attend the 2024 AFBF YF&R Conference in Omaha, Nebraska!
As a county chair/co-chair, you are invited to join the State Young Farmer Committee on a PAID trip to the American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmer and Rancher Conference March 8-12, 2024 in Omaha, Nebraska. This Conference is similar to our Young Farmer Leaders Conference — filled with speakers, breakouts, tours, networking, and socializing!
The conference starts on Friday March 8 and concludes with a closing event on the evening of March 11. A full Conference agenda can be found here. County chairs and co-chairs are invited to register for this event at no cost, courtesy of the Young Farmer Trust Fund, including airfare, lodging, and registration. Additional detail is included in the official online Registration Form. Please ONLY register through this link.
Register as soon as possible to secure your spot. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. NO REGISTRATIONS FOR THE CHAIR/CO-CHAIR OPPORTUNITY WILL BE TAKEN AFTER JAN. 19. Flight information will be emailed once you are officially registered.
Registration must be completed through the link above. Any questions please contact your State Young Farmer Committee member or myself. We have put together an FAQ on this trip to help address questions you may have. Click here to learn more.
5: Get involved in your local FFA Chapter by judging contests.
FFA is an intra-curricular student organization for high school students interested in agriculture and leadership. These students participate in leadership contests each year in January and February.
What can you do? Contact your local FFA advisors to ask if they need FFA leadership contest judges.
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