More than 400 delegates representing Michigan Farm Bureau’s 65 county Farm Bureaus are preparing to deliberate more than 100 state-level resolutions and numerous national recommendations put forward by the MFB State Policy Development Committee.
The slate of resolutions to be considered at MFB’s 103rd annual meeting Nov. 29-30 in Grand Rapids is now available.
Prior to the annual meeting policy session, local district delegate meetings are taking place Nov. 3-18.
“If you’re serving as a delegate, we look forward to seeing you at your district meeting to review processes for state annual meeting and hear from your representatives on the state policy development committee,” said Mike DeRuiter, MFB vice president and state PD committee chair. “Delegates should review the resolutions to come ready for discussion and prepare amendments as much in advance as possible.”
Important delegate information is available on the MFB website including the complete resolutions book, quick tips for navigating voting, the electronic amendment form and more.
The deadline for submitting a new policy idea or resolutions on topics not discussed at county annual meetings is Nov. 21 at 3 p.m.