Wayne County Farm Bureau P&E leader Candi Fentress shares her outlook in a new profile at Spoonful of Ink.
Date Posted:
March 10, 2025
Big thanks to Wayne County Farm Bureau Administrative Manager Stephanie Campbell for the heads-up that one of their board members was recently featured in a local blog.
Detroit food and hospitality writer Courtney Burk recently published an outstanding profile of urban farmer Candi Fentress, third member of the county Farm Bureau board and chair of its Promotion & Education team.
Burk does a great job getting to Candi’s wise, informed perspective about urban vs. rural agriculture and how the two styles share far more DNA than they outward appearances might suggest.
It’s a great read and I encourage you to check it out!
(Thanks also to writer Courtney Burk, who gave us permission to share her article.)
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Jeremy Nagel
Member Communications Specialist
[email protected]