Surely we can all agree two years of pandemic disruptions is enough. With any luck MFB’s 2022 Washington Legislative Seminar will be the last MFB core program to get kibosh’d by COVID.
In lieu of the Beltway visit that traditionally caps our wintertime meeting season, Michigan Farm Bureau’s dozen districts were encouraged to plan regional programs to stand in its place and cultivate relationships between Farm Bureau members and the legislators representing them in D.C.
A couple events have already taken place while plans in some districts are still coming together. Here’s the situation to date:
- District 2 — Mark Prielipp Greenhouse & Mohr in Britton (Monroe County) will host Dist. 7 Congressman Tim Walberg starting at 10 a.m. April 18.
- District 4 — District 4 — Legislative breakfast April 1 in Kent County (Robinette’s Apple Haus)
- District 6 —M-Nolan Farms north of Lapeer will host Dinner on the Farm March 22, Dinner on the Farm with Dist. 10 U.S. Representative Lisa McClain.
- District 7 — Fox Barn Winery will host Congressmen John Moolenaar (Dist. 4) and Bill Huizenga (Dist. 2) on a late-April date yet to be firmed up.
- District 8 — The Cops and Doughnuts location in Mt. Pleasant hosted Dist. 4 Representative John Moolenaar on Feb. 21. An upcoming event with Dist. 5 Congressman Dan Kildee is in the works.
- District 9 — Farm Bureau members can have breakfast with Dist. 4 Congressman John Moolenaar and Dist. 1 Congressman Jack Bergman starting at 9 a.m. April 8 at Ellen’s Corners in Mesick. R.V.S.P. to Northwest Regional Manager Kelsee Steenwyk; 810-922-1866.
- District 10 — Maxwell Seed Farm in Beaverton hosted an ag talk event with Dist. 4 Congressman John Moolenar on March 11. Upcoming on April 2 (1-2 p.m.) is a similar program with Dist. 1 Representative Jack Bergman at the Sanborn Township Hall in Ossineke. R.S.V.P. to Northeast Regional Manager Sonya Novotny by March 29.
- District 11 — Dist. 1 Congressman Jack Bergman will meet with Farm Bureau members starting at 6 p.m. April 22 at the Ellsworth Farmers Exchange in Alanson.
- District 12 — Farm Bureau members from across the Upper Peninsula are encouraged to meet with Dist. 1 Congressman Jack Bergman March 28 at Island Resort in Harris (time TBD). Senate aides and state legislators are also being invited.
MFB staffers are ready to assist those districts still pulling things together. Don’t hesitate to contact National Legislative Counsel John Kran and/or Events Manager Melissa Palma.