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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Educator of the Year noms due Feb. 15

2023 Educator of the Year Anthony Wood (left) worked tirelessly to realize his dream of returning agriscience and FFA back to Clare and Gladwin Counties.
Date Posted: December 18, 2023

Nominate an educator in your county who does an outstanding job incorporating agriculture into their curriculum and strengthening relationships with the county Farm Bureau. 

Both agriscience and K-12 educators are eligible. Qualified nominees should use innovative teaching techniques to increase their students’ understanding of agriculture.

The winner will be honored at Michigan Farm Bureau’s 2024 State Annual Meeting and receive a grant toward classroom supplies and a scholarship to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference.

Nominations must be completed online by Feb. 15! 

Tonia Ritter head shot

Tonia Ritter

Education and Leadership Programs Manager