If your county Farm Bureau donates to a local food pantry or hunger-relief project, you can DOUBLE your donation through the Agent Charitable Fund (ACF) — and count it toward your Harvest for All totals. Here’s how…
First: Connect with your county leadership to identify a hunger-relief program or project to support. Some examples:
- Donate food-purchase funds to a local food bank or school district’s ongoing hunger-relief project.
- Plan your own county-level hunger-relief project.
- Donate protein or produce and donate the items in-kind to a food pantry or school. (Many counties do fundraisers for specific projects/donations: cornhole or softball tournaments, collecting funds at county annuals, etc.)
Second: Submit your Double-Up Donation request online. County Farm Bureaus can request up to $2,500 in matching funds annually. Wait to make your donation until the request is approved!
Third: Once your request is approved, make your donation or purchase for twice the approved amount.
Finally: Email your donation receipt to ACF Manager. Your county Farm Bureau will be reimbursed for half your total donation amount up to $2,500.
Requests are reviewed by the ACF Grant Fulfillment Committee on a first-come, first-serve basis, with the following submission deadlines in 2024:
- Feb. 2
- April 5
- June 7
- Aug. 2
- Oct. 4
- Nov. 15
Request not submitted in time for one deadline will be considered in the next cycle. No 2024 submissions will be considered after Nov. 15.
The ACF supported 17 county Harvest for All programs in 2023 and hopes to work with even more counties in 2024.
Contact ACF Manager Persis Sopariwala with any questions.
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