Calling all artists, crafters and other creative types!
The Agricultural Art Gallery is back and offers YOU a great way to showcase your secret or not-so-secret talents. Be sure to enter your work today!
To celebrate our members’ bottomless creativity, the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture will host its annual Agricultural Art Gallery at Michigan Farm Bureau’s 2022 State Annual Meeting, Nov. 29-30 in Grand Rapids.
Members are encouraged to share their work in the a variety of media: woodworking; metal work; photography; drawing and painting; fabric and fiber arts; and 3-D forms such as ceramic, pottery and sculpture.
One entry per category is permitted, and all entries are considered donations to the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture.
At state annual, a popular vote Tuesday through Wednesday afternoon will determine the top-three entries, which will be live-auctioned Wednesday evening. The remaining entries will be silent-auctioned before that evening’s banquet.
Entries can be made at The deadline is Nov. 18, so get arting!
Contact Kate Thiel (517-679-5741) for more information.
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