The 2024-25 ProFILE cohort embarked on a historical journey for their third meeting, starting March 18 with a bus trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, before continuing on to Washington, D.C. and MFB’s Presidents’ Capitol Summit.
The class participated in the Lincoln Leadership Institute in Gettysburg, which included a field trip to the Gettysburg battlefield, where we were truly immersed in the battle’s many valuable leadership lessons.
Guided by The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara’s historical novel about the battle, our class dove into a historical journey, analyzing the combatants’ leadership strategies. We walked the paths of some of the pivotal decisions that ultimately decided the outcome of the great battle.
The class analyzed transactional versus transformational leadership, and how courageous communication can change the outcome of history — then and now.
We enjoyed a presentation from a historical interpreter portraying 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln, and rounded out the visit with dinner in the oldest home in Gettysburg.
Armed with these new insights, the 2024-25 ProFILE cohort now charges toward the next step of their leadership-development journey.
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