If you're a farm employer struggling to keep up with labor laws and the constantly evolving rules and regulatory changes (due to the state's COVID-related executive orders), you may benefit from a subscription to the Agriculture Employment Compliance Guide.
The guide will help you manage your workforce, avoid labor department penalties, prevent lawsuits and survive audits. An annual subscription gets you:
- One year unlimited access to the online guide (print version also available)
- Email and phone access to Varnum Law Attorney Kim Clarke
- Updates and alerts as laws and regulations change
- Farm employment forms and templates
- Free admission to Varnum's annual farm employment seminar
The Agriculture Employment Compliance Guide also contains up-to-the-minute guidance on compliance with state-level regulations related to COVID-19 and executive orders as they're issued, including templates for:
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan with Work Rules
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan Policy
- Temperature Testing Policy
- Temperature Testing Notice
- EO-111 Housing Posting