Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan’s Agent Charitable Fund (ACF) and the Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies are fighting food insecurity across the state, awarding $22,000 in Feeding the Future and Agents for Change grants in April.
ACF Hunger Relief Grants
12 nonprofit organizations and school districts across the state were recently awarded $16,000 in grants to fight food insecurity in their communities. Feeding the Future Grants are administered by the Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund (ACF), who will award $100,000 in grants this year.
Eligible recipients are nominated by their local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served and overall goal of the program. The next round of Feeding the Future Grants is open and applications will be accepted until Friday, June 7.
Alpha Grand Rapids – Grand Rapids
Grant funds will support Alpha Grand Rapids’ Material Resources Program and provide baby food, baby formula and baby cereal for families in need. Alpha Grand Rapids was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Jeremy Underwood.
Community Reformed Church – Zeeland
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for the church’s micro-pantry program, which is accessible 24/7 to neighbors in need. Community Reformed Church was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Andy Brummel and Rachael Johnston.
Cristo Rey Community Center – Lansing
Grant funds will be directed to Cristo Rey’s Food Access programs and used to purchase food for neighbors in need. Cristo Rey Community Center was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Brad Case.
Good Samaritan Food Pantry at Metropolitan UMC – Detroit
Grant funds will be used to purchase food from Gleaners for the client choice pantry at Metropolitan United Methodist Church. Good Samaritan Food Pantry was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Ty Blanchett.
Laingsburg Community Schools – Laingsburg
Grant funds to be used to enhance the nutritional quality of meals, expand breakfast and after-school snack programs, and implement nutritional education initiatives. Laingsburg Community Schools was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Tieanna Brayton.
Leslie Outreach – Leslie
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for Leslie Outreach’s menu-based food bank. Leslie Outreach was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Mark Voss.
Mattawan WildPaks – Mattawan
Grant funds will be used to purchase and distribute weekly food packs to students in need at Mattawan Schools. Mattawan WildPaks was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Brandon Yanna.
Otsego County Food Pantry – Gaylord
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for the pantry’s Backpack Program which serves students in eight area schools. The Otsego County Food Pantry was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Adam Korson.
Oxford Orion Fish Food Pantry – Oxford
Grant funds will be directed to purchase food for neighbors in need in Oxford, Lake Orion, Addison, and Oakland Township. Oxford Orion Fish Food Pantry was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Wayne Haney.
Portland Backpacks for Bellies – Portland
Grant funds will help provide weekend and summer meal support for students in the Portland School District. Portland Backpacks for Bellies was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Jack Griffin.
Stevensville United Methodist Church – Stevensville
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for the church’s Lancer Lunch Program and combat weekend food insecurity for children. Stevensville United Methodist Church was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Matt Swab.
Zion Lutheran Church – Hemlock
Grant funds will be directed to the church’s free food pantry, God’s Helping Hands, and help purchase food for students over weekends and school breaks. Zion Lutheran Church was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Megan Beldyga.
MFBFoC and ACF School Grants
Three schools and districts across the state were recently awarded $6,000 in grants to fight childhood food insecurity in the classroom. Agents for Change grants are administered by the ACF and MFBFoC.
Eligible recipients are nominated by their local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the school and overall goal of the program. The next round of Agents for Change Grants is open and applications will be accepted until Friday, June 7.
Allendale Public Schools – Allendale
Grant funds will be used to provide healthy snacks for students during the school day. Allendale Public Schools was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Nolan Kamer and Tom De Graaf.
Hale Area Schools – Hale
Grant funds will be used to purchase food for students who are experiencing after-lunch hunger during the school day. Hale Area Schools was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Tyler Leslie.
Norway-Vulcan Elementary School – Norway
Grant funds will be used to purchase healthy snacks for students during the school day. Norway-Vulcan Elementary School was nominated by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Gary Wery.
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming. Operating at the intersection of market and moral missions, the MFBFoC has a powerful vision: a Michigan where no child goes to bed hungry. MFBFoC is reinvesting their proceeds back into their local communities and identifying effective programs, policies and practices designed to directly reduce childhood hunger.
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