Michigan Farm Bureau’s (MFB) most prominent political advocacy events are slated to return to the organization’s 2022 schedule: Lansing Legislative Seminar on Feb. 22 and Washington Legislative Seminar taking place March 15-17.
MFB President Carl Bednarski said that while both events have decades of history, 2022 will be special because members will return to some public spaces they haven’t seen in nearly two years thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our members shine when they’re face-to-face, sharing personal experiences with legislators and regulators,” Bednarski said. “Farmers taking time away from their businesses and families to travel to our state and national capitols is just as valuable as the in-district and on-farm events our county Farm Bureaus host to build and maintain relationships locally.”
He added that the events set the stage for members to communicate MFB’s policy priorities and advocate for agriculture: “We hold these events early in the year to provide members valuable information as they prepare to engage with state lawmakers and Michigan’s Congressional delegation about the opportunities and challenges our farmers face.
“Whether it’s state budget priorities, federal regulations, farm and environmental policy, labor and more, we want members to feel prepared for important conversations.”
Members interested in attending either event should contact their county Farm Bureau. While agendas are still being finalized, following are some highlights of each.
Lansing Legislative Seminar
Registration opens Jan. 24 and closes Feb. 4 for members interested in attending the Feb. 22 event at the Lansing Center.
Agenda highlights:
- Optional walking tour of the state capitol building
- Optional morning AgriPAC fundraiser (timely, ahead of the 2022 election!)
- Presentation of the MFB Excellence in Grassroots Lobbying Award
- Strengthening rural communities farm and business panel
- Issue breakout sessions: state economic outlook and agriculture funding opportunities, climate initiatives and on-farm business impacts, local government influence and engagement, and an idea exchange for county advocacy programming and legislative relationships
- Legislative reception to visit with state representatives, senators and numerous regulatory leaders.
Washington Legislative Seminar
Registration opens Jan. 3 and closes Jan. 14 for members interested in attending the March 15-17 event in Washington, D.C.
Agenda highlights:
- Optional early arrival on Mar. 14 for monuments tour
- Issue tracks focused on trade, regulatory reform and the farm workforce
- Meetings and presentations with AFBF staff and other D.C.-based issue experts
- Hill visits with members of Congress
- Breakfast with Michigan’s U.S. Senators
Keep watching Michigan Farm Bureau communications for event details as they develop.