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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Legislative updates for June 2024

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Date Posted: June 11, 2024

This update includes recently introduced bills and those moving through the legislative process. Michigan Farm Bureau’s positions are rooted in the organization’s member-developed policy. 

State Issues

Alternative Energy Zoning

Senate Bill 898-899, introduced by Sens. Michele Hoitenga (R-Manton) and Roger Hauck (R-Mt. Pleasant), would restore local permitting control for large-scale solar, wind, and energy storage projects. MFB supports the legislation that has been referred to the House Energy and Environment Committee.

Contact: Andrew Vermeesch

Lab Grown Meat

House Bill 5787, sponsored by Rep. Gina Johnsen (R-Odessa Twp), would amend the Food Law to prohibit the manufacturing, or sale of cultivated meat. Cultivated meat is defined as meat or meat product that was produced from cultured animal cells. The bill has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee.

AFBF policy opposes the sale of lab grown meat and MFB policy asks for clear product labeling but is silent on prohibiting the sale of lab grown meat. MFB is working with the bill sponsor on the legislation and has not yet taken a position.

Contact: Rebecca Park 

Anaerobic Digesters

House Bills 5789-5790, sponsored by Reps. Graham Filler (R-St. Johns) and Joey Andrews (D-St. Joseph), would make significant changes to the permitting processes for anaerobic digesters. 

Important aspects of this package include clarifying that the digestate byproduct should always be considered a solid waste, that appropriate inputs can be mixed within digesters, and that digestate can subsequently be land applied following GAAMPS. This package also provides design, record keeping and training guidelines for anaerobic digester operators and clarifies that additional permits or co-permitting should not be required for many farms and other waste generators. 

MFB supports the legislation that has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee. 

Contact: Ben Tirrell

Maple Syrup and Honey Production

Senate Bill 882, introduced by Sen. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing), would create parity for maple syrup and honey producers by allowing them to earn as much as those utilizing the cottage food law without needing to use a commercial kitchen. Farm Bureau supports the bill that was referred to the Senate Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee.

Contact: Rebecca Park 

4-H Foundation License Plate

House Bills 5056 and 5058, sponsored by Reps. Reggie Miller (D-Van Buren Twp) and Matthew Bierlein (R-Vassar), would authorize the secretary of state to develop and issue a fundraising license plate recognizing the Michigan 4-H. Funds generated by plate purchases would be directed to the Michigan 4-H Foundation. Farm Bureau supports the legislation. Both bills passed the Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on June 6 and await a vote by the full Senate.  

Contact: Andrew Vermeesch

Ag Commodity Marketing Groups 

Senate Bill 691, sponsored by Sen. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing), would amend the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act to reduce auditing requirement for commodity organizations with collected producer assessments of less than $40,000 to only one audit per referenda (when producers vote to continue the program). Farm Bureau supports the bill that has been ordered enrolled and awaits the Governor’s signature. 

Contact: Rebecca Park 

Rob Anderson headshot

Rob Anderson

Manager, Government Relations
517-679-5343 [email protected]