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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Meet Your Staff: County Services Manager Michelle Maloney

Michelle Maloney (second from right) with her family at son Konnor’s wedding last summer (from left): Cameron, Madison, Elli, Konnor, Cameron, Michelle and her husband Tom.
Date Posted: September 18, 2023

I grew up in Elk Rapids, up in Antrim County. I may be a little biased, but I still think it’s one of the prettiest towns in the state.

Growing up there I was surrounded by beautiful orchards, so of course I grew up picking apples and cherries. Back in the good ol’ days we pulled tarps, and I can still feel my arms vibrating today! I also worked several years in a cherry processing plant. 

Fun fact: I graduated high school with MFB District 11 Director Pat McGuire and worked at his in-laws’ processing plant. Several of our high school friends are still farmers in the area today.

At MFB I work hard to help our county Farm Bureaus run successfully as businesses, and try to help provide the best staff possible to support our county boards and committees.

If we can make our county executive committees’ job a little easier by not worrying much about human resources or administration — so they can focus on what they’re most passionate about — then I’ve done my job successfully.

Outside work, my two biggest passions are my four grown children, watching them compete in sports and in general winning at life. 

We also love hiking national parks. I consider myself kind of a national-park geek and have hiked more than 27 of them with my incredible family!

Portrait of MFB Member Communications Specialist Jeremy Nagel.

Jeremy Nagel

Member Communications Specialist
517-230-3173 [email protected]