Michigan State Police (MSP) motor carrier officers will join officers from the Indiana State Police, Illinois State Police, and Ohio State Highway Patrol in focusing their enforcement on I-94 and other major freeways in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio in a coordinated enforcement operation.
The Michigan operation, dubbed “Eyes on 94,” seeks to reduce commercial vehicle crashes along the I-94 corridor. This multi-state effort will take place from Dec. 6-10, 2021.
Michigan Farm Bureau Ag Labor and Safety Services Specialist Craig Anderson, says similar initiatives in the past have found numerous violations, resulting in hefty fines for commercial carriers, including many grain, livestock and milk trucks.
Typical moving stops, says Anderson, are due to cell phone use, speeding, lack of lights and/or obvious safety defects. Roadside stops will generally include an equipment and documentation review. Operators with a recorded history of accidents or traffic stops, all of which are available to MSP motor carrier officers, are more likely to receive a full inspection.
“Michigan Farm Bureau, in partnership with the Michigan State Police, publishes the Michigan Farmer's Transportation Guidebook to keep farmers apprised of laws and regulations pertaining to transportation and road safety,” Anderson said.
“If you’re involved in the trucking of agricultural commodities, we encourage producers to download the Michigan Farmer's Transportation Guidebook and do your part to stay safe and in compliance.”
During this initiative, motor carrier officers will focus on violations by commercial vehicles that are most likely to contribute to a crash, which include distracted driving, following too close, improper passing, speeding, and improper lane use.
“This coordinated operation is an effort to increase awareness by means of high visibility enforcement on the I-94 freeway, which is prone to weather-related crashes involving interstate commercial vehicle drivers this time of year,” stated Capt. Richard Arnold, Commander of the MSP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division.
The “Eyes on 94” initiative is part of the statewide Drive Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety campaign, which is based on the national strategy on highway safety that seeks to reduce the number of traffic deaths nationwide.