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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Michigan leads nation in Harvest for All donations for third straight year

MFB Young Farmer Chair Riley Brazo accepted the top fundraising honors on behalf of the Michigan Farm Bureau during AFBF’s recent FUSION Conference. Image credit: AFBF
Date Posted: March 24, 2025

Michigan Farm Bureau once again leads the nation in raising money for Harvest for All, donating $364,800 toward its mission to help end hunger in 2024.

Fundraising activities conducted by Michigan county Farm Bureaus and the Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund — coupled with “double-up” grants — helped Michigan take the top spot once again.

“I’d like to congratulate to our county Farm Bureaus and the Agent Charitable Fund for earning this fantastic recognition for the third consecutive year,” said MFB President Ben LaCross. “We are incredibly proud of our members and the Farm Bureau Family of Companies as they continue to make incredible strides in fighting hunger. The work is far from over, but with their continued tireless dedication, I know we’ll keep making a difference for folks across our state.”

Nationally, farm families donated 34.8 million pounds of food and raised $658,606 to help fight hunger and assist in other community service outreach last year. Combined, the monetary and food donations totaled the equivalent of 29 million meals.

Criteria for tracking Harvest for All donations included dollars and pounds of food donated by state and county Farm Bureaus, as well as volunteer hours, reported from the grassroots up as part of the annual campaign.

Now in its 23rd year, Harvest for All is spearheaded by members of Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers program — but members of all ages from across the nation contribute to the effort.

“Young farmers and ranchers and other Farm Bureau members have worked to help provide food to those in need around our country through the Harvest for All campaign for more than two decades,” said Ryan MacKay of Massachusetts, chair of AFBF’s YF&R Committee. “We’re pleased to continue helping to address hunger and put food on the tables of those in need.”

In addition to raising food and funds, Farm Bureau members 24,200 hours for local food insecurity efforts and other community service.

Florida Farm Bureau took top honors for donating the most food in 2024, with 26 million pounds while Illinois Farm Bureau logged the most volunteer hours through these activities.

Michigan Farm Bureau received a $500 grant for donation to a local food bank of their choice or for another Harvest for All project.

Since Harvest for All was launched, Farm Bureau families have gathered 474 million pounds of food, logged more than 267,000 volunteer hours and raised nearly $12.2 million in donations.