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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Monroe County Farm Bureau Offering Scholarships

Date Posted: March 3, 2025

Monroe County Farm Bureau has again committed to providing three $750 scholarships to students from our community studying agriculture.  The Betty Bliss Scholarship, Dale Lynn Mason Scholarship, and Young Farmer Memorial Scholarship will be awarded this May and local students are encouraged to apply.

To qualify for these scholarships, students must be a high school senior or enrolled in post-secondary education pursuing a career related to agriculture.  This includes four-year universities, trade schools, community colleges, and vocational training which supports the agricultural industry, and current students in these programs are also eligible.  Farm Bureau membership is not a requirement for selection, but we always encourage involvement in the Young Farmer Committee.  We hope that our scholarship winners will return to their community after completion of their education.

Application forms may be downloaded by clicking on the Microsoft Word "2025 Monroe County FB Scholarship App" link below this article.  

Completed applications including an essay on the topic, “What are your top three concerns or challenges in agriculture today?  Explain how local farmers might be able to overcome these challenges.” along with two letters of recommendation are due back to the County Farm Bureau office in Ida by April 28th.  Applicant interviews will be held the morning of Saturday, May 3rd with the Scholarship Selection Committee.

Scholarship recipients will receive a check made payable to them and the school they are attending once their first semester’s transcripts are submitted which demonstrate proof of enrollment and grades. Winners of a scholarship from previous years are also welcome to reapply, if their course of study remains connected to the field of agriculture.

Please contact the Monroe County Farm Bureau office at 734-269-3275 or [email protected] for more information.
