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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Online news outlet spotlights St. Clair Project RED

St. Clair volunteer (and former MFB Ag Communicator of the Year!) Maria Brown introduces Project RED attendees to one of the region’s marquee commodities: the beloved sugar beet.
Date Posted: October 25, 2023

St. Clair County’s recent Project RED was the subject of some fine online journalism courtesy of, a streaming news outlet based in Port Huron. 

Last month the good people at Thumbcoast sent an intrepid, water-resistant crew out to the Goodells fairgrounds, where the St. Clair County Farm Bureau hosted fourth-graders for a day of hands-on learning about the industry that puts food in their bellies and clothes on their backs.

Check it out for yourself and watch St. Clair P&E Chair Katie Blashill knock it out of the park with her clear, concise and enthusiastic description of Project RED’s many redeeming qualities.

For county Farm Bureaus, the hot tip here is to be on the lookout for relative newcomers to your local media landscape. Traditional forms — printed newspapers, broadcast radio and TV stations — continue to struggle in our increasingly online age. is a great example of a new-generation media platform building a growing audience of followers — and sponsors eager to support its local focus and positive perspective.

Portrait of MFB Member Communications Specialist Jeremy Nagel.

Jeremy Nagel

Member Communications Specialist
517-230-3173 [email protected]