Every year Otsego County Farm Bureau celebrates National Agriculture Week by donating a gift basket given to the family of the first baby born from Otsego or Crawford counties the week of March 17-23.
This year’s basket was presented March 19 to Carolyn Rose Stedman and Alex Cumming of Gaylord — proud parents of son Rhiatt, born the day before at Munson Otsego Memorial Hospital, weighing in at 6 lbs. 6 oz.
Delivering the gift basket was Tom and Cyn Prusakiewicz, Otsego County Farm Bureau’s vice president and P&E chair.
“We look for various ways to highlight the importance of agriculture throughout the year,” Cyn said. “Families are an important part of farm life, so for several years now we’ve included a gift basket for a young family as part of our Ag Week celebrations.”
The gift package included an array of ag-related items donated from local farms and businesses: a knitted baby blanket from Nowak Farm, fudge, a tied fleece blanket, Hilbert’s Honey from TC Farm, coupons from Allure Hair and Nail Salon of Gaylord, a potted Christmas tree from Messiah Tree Farm in Alden, and baby supplies donated by the Otsego County Farm Bureau.
The basket itself was crammed with Michigan-sourced farm products including Indian Summer apple juice, Made Rite popcorn and potato chips, Kellogg’s cereals, crackers, snack bars, Pop Tarts, Cherry Republic chips, Gerber baby foods, Mackinaw Island fudge, candies from PS Goodies and More, cake pops from Strickly Sweets and maple syrup from Woods Shady Acres and Fleming Farms.
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