Reserve a spot today at one of two remaining Farm Bill listening sessions hosted by Michigan Farm Bureau: Aug. 3 in Grand Rapids and Aug. 16 in St. Johns.
County Farm Bureau members interested in helping shape the 2023 Farm Bill and its agriculture and conservation programs are encouraged to attend.
The sessions are free of charge, include a meal and are expected to last two hours.
- Aug. 3, 9 a.m. — AIS Construction Equipment, 600 AIS Drive SW, Grand Rapids; breakfast provided; register by July 27
- Aug. 16, 11 a.m. — AgroExpo Grounds, North Central Research Station, 5605 Findlay Rd., St. Johns; lunch provided; register by Aug. 9
Attendees will have dedicated time to share what program improvements and changes they believe are needed as the 2023 Farm Bill is developed and debated. They’ll also receive updates on the current economic and political landscape and how that’s shaping the Farm Bill debate.
“Farmer and agribusiness engagement on the Farm Bill is critical,” said MFB National Legislative Counsel John Kran. “Congress and the Biden administration need to hear directly from constituents on what problems they’re experiencing and what growth opportunities they see.
“We’ll also be inviting staff from the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Chairwoman Senator Debbie Stabenow’s office, and our partners at MSU,” Kran added. “We need Congress to work together to complete the next Farm Bill on time, and in a bipartisan manner, so Michigan farmers have the certainty needed to make long-term business decisions.”
Every five years, Congress must authorize the Farm Bill, which includes sections on commodity programs, trade, rural development, farm credit, conservation, agricultural research, food and nutrition programs and marketing. The current bill expires Sept. 30.
“Our member-led MFB Farm Bill task force will also participate in the sessions so they can develop recommendations to share as part of the policy development process,” Kran said, noting the sessions lead up to MFB’s State Annual Meeting and release of the American Farm Bureau Federation Farm Bill task force recommendations.
For more on the Farm Bill, watch or read testimony provided by Farm Bureau members Juliette King-McAvoy (Antrim), Jake Isley (Lenawee) and Ashley Kennedy (Huron) to the U.S. Senate agriculture committee on April 29.