Collegiate Farm Bureau members have until Nov. 15 to register for the 2023 Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) Collegiate State Discussion Meet, scheduled for Nov. 29 at the Devos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids, in conjunction with MFB’s State Annual Meeting.
The Collegiate Discussion Meet is hosted by MFB’s Young Farmer program held each fall in conjunction with MFB’s high school and Young Farmer discussion meets. At any level, Discussion Meets are designed to replicate a committee meeting where participants explore an agricultural issue and how to address it.
This year’s topics:
- Opening Round 1: Working with elected officials in all levels of government is critical to advancing public policy that supports farmers and ranchers. How can Farm Bureau help elected leaders better understand the challenges of the agriculture sector and the importance of supporting the financial viability of America’s family farms and ranches?
- Opening Round 2: Farmers and ranchers across the country are diverse in not only the goods they produce, but also in the ways they raise and market them. Farm Bureau’s role is to broadly represent all producers. How can our organization further welcome and engage diverse agricultural communities and cultivate dynamic future Farm Bureau leaders?
- Final Round 3: Production agriculture requires a lot of capital. Young farmers and ranchers face challenges gaining access to the capital they need to start or grow their operations. What tools are currently available, and what new programs could be introduced, to help young people access financial resources—and make sound financial decisions—to run their farms and ranches?
To register for the state level, complete the MFB State Discussion Meet Online Registration Form by Nov. 15.
Once registered you’ll receive a link to join a preparatory workshop scheduled for noon, Nov. 16 via Zoom. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned veteran, this session will provide all the guidance you need to succeed, including the event schedule, scorecard breakdown, preparation tips and time for Q&A.
Encourage all the Collegiate Farm Bureau members you know to strengthen their communication skills, develop problem-solving techniques, and stimulate logical thinking and concise speaking as they compete for scholarship money and lay the groundwork to be our future leaders!
Is your college student interested, but not a Collegiate Farm Bureau member? No problem; they can register online to join one of the 13 Collegiate chapters. An agricultural course of study is not a requirement; they need only a passion for agriculture, a willingness to experience a variety of activities, and the desire to network and connect with others!
For more information, contact Katie Eisenberger, MFB High School and Collegiate Programs Specialist.
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