Congratulations, Farm Bureau members!!
Another successful membership year is in the books, and your hard work, diligence and dedication to Farm Bureau shows in the numbers.
For the third year in a row, Michigan Farm Bureau achieved Statewide Target, meaning we grew in regular members. That’s extraordinary and a testament to the hard work happening in our 65 county Farm Bureaus.
Before we look at the big numbers statewide, let’s check to see what works well in one standout county Farm Bureau.
All-around superstar Tiffany Howell wrote half a dozen new members in Lapeer County this year, earning her Top-Writer Merit Badge in District 6.
Asked for her take on pitching the membership to prospects, Howell’s angle leans on enthusiasm and variety.
“When I talk to prospects I’m very passionate about my Farm Bureau membership because I’m involved in everything,” she explained. “I’m positive, I’m passionate, I build it up. You have to be inviting and welcoming, and provide examples of how there’s something in Farm Bureau for everyone.
“If you’re not political, that’s okay... If you’re interested in educating consumers… If you’re big farmer or small farmer, that’s great. Just be welcoming and inclusive to all parties.”
Howell also stressed striking a balance between new, whiz-bang ideas and methods from the tried-n-true bin.
“You have to be innovative and new, but also stick with the things that work. Don’t turn your back on older ways of doing things if they worked.
“Sometimes we get new ideas and new ideas and new ideas,” she said — naming social media and other forms of electronic communication — but no slick new medium has yet to prove more effective than old-fashion personal contact: face-to-face.
Tiffany’s efforts in the southwestern Thumb exemplify the kind of outstanding membership work we saw statewide this year. Here are some of those bigger numbers:
- 45 county Farm Bureaus reached Target.
- Statewide regular membership increased by 275 members.
- 186 volunteers wrote 412 new regular members — 10 more volunteers and 36 more new regular members than last year!
- 336 new members were involved in Farm Bureau.
- 152 agents and volunteers qualified for Key Club.
- 34 volunteers qualified for Carhartt Club.
- Our statewide regular member retention rate was 95.01%.
Again, thank you for all you have done this past membership year, and congratulations to those who have qualified for recognition!
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