Shiawassee County Farm Bureau was recently awarded a Farm Bureau Double-Up Donation to fight local food insecurity. The county Farm Bureau plans to facilitate a community Thanksgiving meal next November, aiming to provide 160 local families with a holiday meal.
The Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund (ACF) has committed to match the county’s contribution to this project and help purchase ingredients to fill food baskets for Shiawassee County families.
The Thanksgiving meal is a collaborative effort initiated by the county but involving all the schools in the area.
“The county Farm Bureau plans to team up with the 32 schools in our county to identify families in need of a meal for Thanksgiving,” said Brandi Harrison, the county Farm Bureau’s administrative manager. “We will work with a local store to put meals together and our hope is to provide 150 families with Thanksgiving meals.”
The ACF Double-Up Donation Program supports county Farm Bureaus’ efforts to end hunger in their communities by providing matching funds to local organizations and programs which represent the ACF mission. County Farm Bureaus initiate the nomination and donation process, and the selected program is approved for an ACF matching donation by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served and overall goal of the program. ACF will award over $180,000 in grants to hunger relief organizations in 2023.
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming. Through grant programs like Feeding the Future, Farm Bureau agents, clients and partners provide food and educational programs to Michigan residents struggling with hunger and aid the more than 3,000 hunger-relief agencies throughout the state.
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