The Hiawathaland and Copper Country Farm Bureaus have their consumer-outreach games dialed in with spring- and summertime events bridging the gap between farm and non-farm communities.
First things first, though:
This week Marquette’s DDA starts honors the U.P.’s shortest season promptly on the first day of summer, June 20, with Music on 3rd Street, replacing vehicular traffic with a community celebration.
A new component this year is Free Milk-n-Music, courtesy of Hiawathaland Farm Bureau, area Farm Bureau Insurance agents, and cosponsor Incredible Bank.
Summertime celebrants are encouraged to stop by Incredible Bank’s 3rd Street location 6-8 p.m., where DeBaker Family Dairy of Daggett will provide free strawberry and chocolate milk, and Dixieland pop band 41West will handle the music.
Another pair of events — with mirror-image names — score extra credit for attracting the eye of regional media outlets, amplifying their farm-friendly messages far and wide.
WZMQ in Marquette packed up the news van and booked it clear down to Gladstone for Hiawathaland’s recent Town to Farm event, hosted by Chenier’s Greenhouse, run by Farm Bureau members Nick and Abbey Chenier.
Check out the coverage here, and drop by Chenier’s next time you’re in the neighborhood.
Meanwhile, up in Copper Country, Michigan’s northern- and westernmost Farm Bureau members are readying to reprise their annual Farm on the Town event in downtown Hancock.
WLUC in Negaunee did a great job promoting the event; check it out here and look for P&E Chair Susan Mattila making ag look good Way Up North!
If that’s not enough, click here to revisit the 2022 event, Farm Gate-style.
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