It’s the time of year when plans for county Farm Bureau annual meetings are coming together. That means opportunities for members interested in stepping-up their leadership game as a member of your county board of directors!
You ready for that? Not sure? Keep reading.
The board of directors sets your county Farm Bureau’s direction. They’re the eyes and ears of local agriculture. Roles and responsibilities include:
- Regularly attend board meetings
- Abide by legal duties of a director of a non-profit organization/corporation
- Accept and determine new-member classifications
- Support county Farm Bureau programs and activities
- Encourage member involvement and retention
- Be mindful of and share local agricultural issues as warranted
- Embody professionalism and organizational discipline when representing Farm Bureau
- Empower leaders by delegating appropriate responsibilities
Now you’re wondering about the time commitment. (Everyone does!)
Most county Farm Bureau boards meet monthly for about an hour and a half. This varies, however; each board determines their own meeting frequency and sets their own agenda.
No experience? No problem!
Great leaders start from scratch. No formal experience is needed to serve on your county Farm Bureau board of directors.
You already know the industry — and a thing or two about hard work. Pair those with a passion for agriculture and desire to serve your community and your peers, and you have all the makings of an effective board member!
That brings us to WHY: Why should you serve on your county board?
For starters, it provides opportunities to enhance leadership skills while affecting positive change for Michigan agriculture. You’ll set and achieve organizational goals while giving back to the community. By sharing and implementing new ideas you’ll help protect rural values, advocate for farm-friendly policy and grow your network of fellow farmers and ag professionals.
Still not sold? Okay, hear it from a Clare County Farm Bureau board member Erika Schunk:
“I’ve truly enjoyed my time as part of Clare County Farm Bureau, getting to know the people in our community and their needs. We have rallied together when and where needed to unite as one when it comes to tackling issues head-on. It all starts with us and what better way than with your county Farm Bureau!?”
Convincing, right? So where do you start?
First: Demonstrate your interest by being an active participant in county Farm Bureau meetings and events.
Then: Contact your county office and express your interest in serving on the county board. They’ll connect you with the nominating committee.
Last: Attend your annual meeting to be on hand for the election itself, ready to graciously accept your new leadership role!
Hillsdale County Farm Bureau leader Jay Williams explains the importance of county board service like this:
“Farm Bureau cannot exist without local farmer members willing to step up to lead county, state and national boards and committees. The organization’s direction, policy, activities and influence reflect the challenges members face.
“Without their leadership, our farms and rural communities would be without effective representation, providing the voice we all seek to have with our consumers, legislators, regulators and educators.”
Click here for more information about the roles and responsibilities of serving on your county Farm Bureau board, and don’t hesitate to contact your county Farm Bureau office!
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