County Promotion & Education
If you're wishing to share your agriculture story with the public, get involved with your county's Promotion and Education (P&E) program.
To plan county P&E programming, download the county Promotion and Education Committee handbook.

Educate Youth
- Project Rural Education Day (RED) is a day when students venture through local educational and hands-on stations outlining the role agriculture plays in their lives. Download the Project RED how-to guide.
- Agriculture in the Classroom volunteers teach lessons to school children, creating a greater awareness of farming and the role of agriculture in the economy and society. Download the Michigan Agriculture in the Classroom guide.
- The FARM Science Lab is one part of Michigan’s Agriculture in the Classroom programming. County Farm Bureaus are encouraged to use this guide book when developing ways to promote the lab in their county.
- Consider the reservation process when making connections with schools in your area.
- Teacher resources provide lesson plans about agriculture which are matched to Next Generation Science Standards or Common Core standards and accurate agriculture information for use in classrooms.
- Use the Be Agriculture Careers Guide to encourage youth to pursue agricultural careers. From career fairs to classroom speakers to farm tours, use this guide to plan career focused events.
Educate Farmers
- Local Informational Meetings — for farmers to become more familiar with local examples of agriculture management practices
- Educational Meetings — opportunities for farmers to share opinions on current issues affecting the agriculture industry
- Farm Safety Programs — to educate farmers and local first responders about the unique challenges of agricultural accidents. Download the Farm Safety event planning guide.
- Consumer Conversations — Farm Bureaus are encouraged to host this two-hour conversation training to more effectively share the farm to table story with consumers. This how-to guide outlines planning a training event as well as offers ideas for follow-up events.
Educate Consumers
- County Fairs — host interactive displays to highlight local agriculture
- Promotional Events — utilize audiences at community festivals, activities and contests to promote local agriculture
- Do you want to broaden the reach of your county Farm Bureau and tell the stories of your members to consumers? Our Consumer Outreach Media Playbook has the basics of what you need to know to get started and connections to MFB resources to help you every step of the way.
Michigan Farm Bureau 2025 State Promotion & Education Committee
- District 1: Kristin Kubiszak, Van Buren
- District 2: Andrea Boughton, Calhoun
- District 3: Kim Graham, Wayne
- District 4: Mary Willcome, Ottawa
- District 5: Tami Shaw, Ingham
- District 6: Darcy Lipskey, Sanilac
- District 7: Breann Bonga, Montcalm
- District 8: Joe Bryant, Isabella
- District 9: Mary Alway, Mason
- District 10: Erika Schunk, Clare
- District 11: Kelly Lapeer, Cheboygan
- District 12: Lyle Harter, Chippewa
- At-Large: Alysa Sanford, Jackson
- At-Large: Katrina Bontekoe, Osceola
- At-Large: Joyce Neyer, Isabella

Staff Contacts

Katie Cooper
Promotion & Education and Youth Programs Specialist
[email protected]

Tonia Ritter
Education and Leadership Programs Manager
[email protected]