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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Plant Pests and Diseases #31

Plant pests and diseases create quarantine situations that restrict intra and interstate marketing opportunities.

We support research to do the following:

  • Determine the impacts of Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) by supporting and coordinating with the SWD initiative through Michigan State University and the Michigan Cherry Committee.

  • Develop new chemical and biological controls for disease detection, control, and eradication.

  • Enhance the use of natural plant pest predator species or bio-controls after reviewing potential environmental consequences.

  • Address viable control methods for Spotted lanternfly, Phytophthora capsici, downy mildew, overall spruce decline, Armillaria root fungus, and other plant pests or diseases.

  • Address replant issues in the asparagus industry.

Additionally, we support:

  • Industry-led efforts to control and prevent crop losses due to plant pests and diseases.

  • Aggressively advocating for pesticide manufacturers to develop new chemistries for existing and emerging pest threats.

  • Development of regulatory protocol, inspection procedures and pest control methods to allow shipment of quarantined commodities.

  • Indemnification for losses of farm income when agricultural commodities or products are impounded, farms are quarantined, or sales are restricted in the public interest.

  • Holding suppliers responsible for compensation of all losses due to imported plants with diseases.

  • Zero interest/fixed loan or direct and/or indirect compensation to producers for sudden market loss due to invasive species, including SWD, hemlock woolly adelgid and others.

  • Vomitoxin testing in corn field trials. We encourage ethanol plant operators to spot-check for vomitoxin in corn entering the plant and dried distillers grains leaving the plant.

  • Development of more consistent Vomitoxin testing equipment.

  • An industry-driven, comprehensive rewrite of Michigan’s Plant Pest Protection Act.

  • Educational efforts to help producers and consumers understand their importance in preventing the spread of plant pests and diseases.

  • A review and update of the invasive species quarantine rules in Michigan. We urge the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to develop a permitting system allowing agricultural products to be shipped directly for in-state processing throughout the year during a quarantine period.

  • Quicker review and approval of species by the councils maintaining the lists for noxious terrestrial weeds and invasive species as defined by PA 451 of 1994.

  • Encouraging conservation districts to take measures to keep noxious weeds controlled.

We oppose banning neonicotinoid-based pest control products when there is a lack of research or conclusive scientific evidence linking them to declining bee and other pollinator populations.

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