Vast quantities of all types of recoverable materials are generated daily. We support Michigan Farm Bureau taking steps to advocate reducing and recovering our waste where practical. We support immediate and long-term solutions including:
- Using farm plastic recycling programs such as Clean Sweep.
- Implementing recycling programs for agricultural tires and all reusable agricultural material.
- Establishing grant or loan programs to facilitate purchasing equipment capable of processing agricultural and heavy-duty tires and tracks.
- Adopt-a-local-roadside programs.
- MFB working with universities, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy to seek solutions for composting organic materials including, animal, plant, forest and silvicultural materials, and differentiating between agricultural and commercial composters to protect the welfare of residents as well as the integrity of agriculture.
- Incentives to use biodegradable products, especially those made from renewable agricultural products.
- Amendments to the bottle law requiring similar containers have a 10-cent deposit.
- A state initiative that takes a portion of the State’s unreturned bottle deposit funds for the creation and maintenance of local recycling centers.
- Land application of properly researched and approved materials at agronomic rates without additional state or local regulation.
- Alternative uses for excess food ranging from food banks to anaerobic digesters.
- The proper recycling of heavy metal and rare earth batteries.
- Research into and the reuse or recycling of renewable energy components when removed from service.
We encourage agricultural representation on all established Material Management Advisory Committees required by the Material Management Act Part 115.
We oppose hauling waste into Michigan from other states and countries for disposal, including nuclear and hazardous waste.