Harvest for All - Donation Reporting Deadline!
December 31, 2024 (All Day)
Washtenaw County Farm Bureau
Washtenaw County Farm Bureau
5095 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
United States
Harvest for All
Harvest for All is a year-long campaign, created by the American Farm Bureau Federation, that encourages Farm Bureau members across the country to work together to help fight hunger.
15% of Michigan residents and 18% of all children are considered food insecure.
Recognizing Member Efforts: The Harvest for All Contest...
Each year, the State Young Farmer Committee oversees a contest to recognize county Farm Bureaus at the district-level for their Harvest for All efforts. The district who contributes the most to fighting hunger, determined by pounds of food, volunteer hours and dollars, will be recognized at the state-level and be given $1000 to distribute to hunger relief organizations of their choice. You can use the form below to report your efforts!
You can assist in the effort to fight hunger by…
- Volunteering time at a local food bank.
- Donating money to a food bank or agency of your choice.
- Contributing agricultural commodities.
- Helping to host an event to benefit a local food bank.
If your local foodbank does not have the ability to accept your donation, the Food Bank Council of Michigan manages the Michigan Agricultural Surplus System and has connections statewide with hunger relief organizations. The Food Bank Council of Michigan can be reached at 517-485-1202 or visit their website at www.fbcmich.org.
Please report a similar effort you know of…
Not necessarily the donor’s name, but enough details so we will recognize duplication. Be sure to list the amounts or good estimates of pounds, hours of volunteerism, or dollars that were donated. Please give your phone number or e-mail address for us to use for follow-up if needed. You can use the fillable .pdf form to report your efforts!
While Michigan's farm families work hard year-round to help produce the world's most abundant supply of affordable, high-quality food, this fact remains: many of their fellow citizens continue to feel the pangs of hunger. Taking action, Farm Bureau works with the Food Bank Council of Michigan (FBCM) and the Michigan Agricultural Surplus System (MASS) to encourage Farm Bureau members to help fight hunger in Michigan. Harvest for All is a unique way for Michigan's first harvesters to finish the job by assisting FBCM in providing food to Michigan families in need. According to FBCM, hunger is a reality for nearly a million Michiganders, young and old, who never imagined they would be dependent on food banks, pantries, shelters and school lunch programs.