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FCIC revises cover crop forage harvest restrictions on prevent plant acres
The Federal Crop Insurance Corp. (FCIC) has rescinded it previous harvest date of Nov. 1 for cover crops planted on prevent plant acres as it relates…
AFBF backing bill to protect against cost of GPS interference
A new Senate bill backed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, along with more than 80 other organizations, would ensure farmers and countless…
In Memoriam: Bill Wheeler, beloved leader in the FFA community
Bill Wheeler, who spent more than three decades teaching FFA students in Webberville, died June 29, 2021, at his home following a bout with cancer…
MFB welcomes new staff, shuffles vets
Recent months have seen a pair of newcomers join MFB’s staff, and a pair of other vacancies filled by regional managers coming to Lansing from the…
Get credit where it’s due
Your county Farm Bureau’s programs and activities through the pandemic deserve special recognition!
Clinton County puts ag back in the Elsie Dairy Festival
Members of two Community Action Groups in Clinton County added some agriculture back into the Elsie Dairy Festival.
Osceola softball tourney nets nearly $2K for families in need
Proceeds from Osceola's Angels in the Outfield softball tournament will be donated to a non-profit aimed at providing needy families with access to…
Policy proves a tempting topping at Montcalm Ice Cream Social
Montcalm County Farm Bureau members came together recently at Anderson & Girls Orchards for ice cream sundaes and a quick think on potential policy…
Osceola: ‘Growing enthusiasm is strong’
“We want to make a difference, and we plan on doing that by building our membership by providing quality events.”
11-year Discussion Meet veteran on why YOU should participate
Monroe County farmer Chris Heck has been competing for 11 years and has perspective and advice to offer to those considering competing for their…