Monroe County Farm Bureau members enjoyed a day at the Indian Creek Zoo April 24 — on the house.
Farmer members were invited to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon walking the shady paths of the animal sanctuary north of Lambertville. Nearly 75 members took advantage of the sunny day and non-farmer members were offered 50% discount off the regular admission price.
“County Farm Bureaus rely on member involvement and their willingness to volunteer on projects to promote agriculture,” said Monroe County Farm Bureau President Roger Bezek. “We wanted to provide a family-friendly and relaxed environment to all the hard-working farmers and their families.”
Those Farm Bureau members who attended were also eligible to enter a number of drawings for prizes ranging from bacon and half racks of ribs to a day pass to the zoo and a children’s book titled “Full of Beans.” A grand prize of two annual passes to the zoo were also awarded.
“With the success we saw at today’s event, we’ll be looking at making this an annual event to show our appreciation to everything our farmer members do every day,” Bezek said.