The board of county road commissioners is a unit of local government responsible for maintenance and construction of most roads within a county. Michigan is the only state in the country to utilize a county road commission structure. The three or five-member boards have six-year staggered terms and are, in most cases, appointed by the county board of commissioners.
Public Acts 14 and 15 of 2012 allows a county board of commissioners to assume the duties of the county road commission. We continue to support a system of local control selection.
We believe each county overseen by a road commission should have the option to decide if it needs a three or five-member county road commission. These should be by district, regardless of population, and representative of all areas of the county. Commission members should serve four-year staggered terms.
We support properly and consistently training road commission employees to grade and maintain local roadways to uniform grade standards.
We support county road commissions having access to state run facilities and equipment.